I am a UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) registered psychotherapist and have an MA in ‘Core Process’ psychotherapy. I am a member of the ACPP (Association of Core Process Psychotherapists) and also a member of the Annwn Foundation, from whom I have a Diploma.
I work with individuals on a one-to-one basis from my Cardiff practice. I believe my clients enjoy my holistic approach, which is engaged and creative. Though secular, my approach is informed by Buddhist understanding.
The effectiveness of the way I work lies in how creative engagement with both body and mind enables clients to make their own discoveries.
My ways of working are spontaneous and about the challenge of stepping into the unknown together. This helps keep the work fresh and alive, frequently leaving client - and myself - in awe of how the enquiry unfolded. I feel I offer a very different psychotherapeutic experience, and find clients frequently express sentiments such as “When I began this work, I never imagined I’d find myself working like this!"

I see my becoming personally engaged with and affected by the work as being essential to the therapeutic process, enabling me to support and guide enquiry. For me, the words of psychotherapist Emanuel Berman echo this sentiment: "The image of the wild therapist can serve us... as the image of the deeply involved, personally motivated therapist.....the opposite of the 'civilised' therapist who uses well-divined existing paths, takes no personal risks, and therefore stays at an emotional distance from his/her clients.”
I am a former photographer, and a Buddhist practitioner of over 10 years. I enjoy spending time in wild places such as the sea and mountains. Coming to this work through my own experience, I understand how, paradoxically, difficulty can be the gateway that enables us to lead more fulfilling lives.

If you would like to find out more about whether I, and the ways that I work, might be helpful to you, you are welcome to contact me to arrange a free initial meeting.
Cardiff (029) 20 229 665